Ride With Aryza

KiKa Champions Childhood Cancer Research in the Netherlands

Discover how KiKa is leading the charge against childhood cancer with innovative research and educational initiatives aimed at enhancing treatment effectiveness and raising awareness. From boosting survival rates to supporting Europe’s largest pediatric oncology center, KiKa’s impact is profound and enduring. KiKa is one of the organisations that will benefit from donations as part of our ‘Ride With Aryza’ initiative.

KiKa raises funds for research in the field of childhood cancer, aimed at reducing pain and a better quality of life. Do you have specific areas of focus in your research?

KiKa We’re is the only charity in the Netherlands that funds research on all forms of childhood cancer. KiKa raises funds for innovative research and other activities in the field of childhood cancer, aimed at less pain, more cure and a better quality of life. There are no specific areas on which KiKa focusses.

Are there areas where you have already made a certain progress, and could you give an example? 

KiKa Since the foundation of KiKa, the survival rate of children with cancer has increased from 72% to 81%. Additionally, KiKa has made a very important contribution to the development of the Prinses Máxima Centrum for pediatric oncology. This is the largest research and care centre for childhood cancer in Europe. KiKa is the main financial supporter of the Princess Máxima Centre.

Furthermore, KiKa focuses on education about childhood cancer. Where are the biggest knowledge gaps in the public?

KiKa 3 out of 4 survivors of childhood cancer suffer from long term effects of the treatment. Many people are not aware that these long term effects exists so KiKa tries to raise awareness on this topic, for instance by visiting high schools in the Netherlands with our Young Ambassadors; young survivors who share their story with their peers.

600 children in the Netherlands are diagnosed with cancer annually, and one in five children dies from the disease. What type of cancer are children particularly frequently affected by? 

KiKa The most common type of cancer in children is leukemia, a cancer of the blood. Other common types are lymphomas, brain tumors and neuroblastoma. The type of cancer that is most frequent, is also strongly dependent on age.

Are boys and girls equally affected? 

KiKa Overall, childhood cancer is slightly more prevalent in boys than in girls. However, this is also dependent on the type of cancer.

Are preventive measures conceivable in childhood cancer? 

KiKa Other than for adult cancers, lifestyle measures are not a preventive option for childhood cancer. In some cases, childhood cancer can arise from an inherited genetic predisposition. Researchers are working hard to develop a cancer vaccine, that might help prevent the formation of tumors in these children in the future.

What organisations could affected families turn to for advice? 

KiKa The patient association in the Netherlands is the ‘Childhood cancer association Netherlands’ (Vereniging Kinderkanker Nederland, VKKN).

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From January 1 to June 30, 2024, we at Aryza, along with our colleagues, clients, and partners, are raising money to support cancer organizations. Our goal is to cycle 42,000 km, the equivalent of once around the world, all in line with the motto “Ride With Aryza.”
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