ECB Requirements Credit Risk

The ECB’s Emphasis on Credit Risk Management:
A Priority for 2024-2026 and the Importance of IFRS 9

The European Central Bank (ECB) has clearly defined its supervisory priorities, setting a distinct focus for the years 2024 to 2026: a heightened scrutiny of banks, especially in areas such as stress testing, digitalisation, and adherence to ESG standards. This shift signifies the ECB’s commitment to ensuring banks are thoroughly prepared to navigate the complexities of the evolving macroeconomic and regulatory landscape.

Navigating the New Terrain of Credit Risk Management

With this directive, the ECB places a spotlight on the criticality of transparent credit risk evaluation and the determination of risk costs in accordance with IFRS 9. As financial institutions grapple with the dual challenges of evolving digital landscapes and sustainability transitions, the importance of aligning with the ECB’s focused objectives has never been more crucial.

Sanjin Bogdan, Head of Risk at Aryza, underscores the significance of this development: “A quick and reliable monitoring implemented in the IFRS 9 process, along with advanced capabilities in stress and backtesting, is an absolute must” highlighting the urgent need for banks to adapt to these changes.


The ECB’s Priorities: A Focus on Compliance and Adaptation

The ECB’s supervisory priorities for the coming years underscore a decisive stance on monitoring banks’ management of credit risks, especially in sectors vulnerable to the current economic climate. This includes a call for institutions to address structural flaws in their risk management cycles promptly and align with regulatory requirements.

Aryza’s software solutions, Evaluate and Monitor, are poised to support banks in this regard, offering real-time assessment and risk cost calculation based on up-to-date facts.

Our solutions offer banks a sophisticated means of assessing and calculating credit risks, leveraging real-time data directly from the customer’s accounting system. “Dynamic monitoring based on up-to-date client data directly from accounting system allow for creation of UpToDate cash flow forecasts and supports  real-time classification of the clients. Early detection of client credit risk increase, limits the future credit risk costs via early intervention and risk mitigation actions” explains Sanjin Bogdan.

This approach not only aligns with the ECB’s supervisory focus but also represents a significant advancement over legacy IFRS 9 systems, which often struggle to implement such dynamic monitoring and assessment processes.



As banks navigate the challenges posed by the ECB’s enhanced supervisory approach, the role of IFRS 9 in facilitating better oversight of credit risks becomes increasingly central. Sanjin Bogdan’s insights highlight the critical need for banks to employ fast, reliable monitoring and risk quantification tools, emphasising the significant penalties for non-compliance and the competitive disadvantages of outdated legacy systems.

In this evolving landscape, adopting modern solutions becomes not just a regulatory necessity but a strategic imperative for banks aiming to thrive in the digital age.

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