Remote signing

Working with Syngrafii to allow remote signature of documents

Aryza has teamed up with Syngrafii to provide a powerful tool to our customers using Aryza Insolvency (Case Management System – CMS). It is simple to turn this function on for you in your CMS and Microsoft Outlook, with no upfront costs. Simply pay on a case-by-case basis when you need to get a document signed.

Syngrafii is purpose-built to meet the legal, compliance and governance requirements within the Insolvency sector. It offers the most secure digital signatures available in the industry today through its proprietary iinked platform application.

Benefits of Syngrafii

Your documents can be signed remotely, without compromising legal obligations or compliance requirements.

Features include:

  • You can witness your clients sign documents in a recordable & secure Video Signing Room.
  • Biometric protection of a secure one- time “wet signature”.
  • Full audit trail, including date, time, location, and IP address stamps of when & where the document was signed.
  • Web based portal for easy access for all parties involved.
  • The only remote virtual signatory tool that is fully compliant with remote swearing, commissioning, and notarising.
  • Signatory workflows so your documents are signed in the required order.
  • Securely share bulk documents internally & externally via email or SMS with 2 way authentication.
  • Your customers can easily provide any required proof of ID.
  • No server or hardware costs.

Contact us today to get this added to your Case Management System

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